
  • La Royale Fanfare d’Orphée

    Since its creation in 1846, more than 170 years ago, the Royal Orpheus of Stavelot has become a key player and very active in the musical and cultural life of its region. Traditions and folklore are still very much anchored in the life of this Society: every year at mid-Lent, it is at the head of the procession of LAETARE de STAVELOT that the Orphée presents his new repertoire of animation, arranged especially by his musical director. A new parade costume, created by a team of specialized seamstresses, is also […]

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  • Les Blancs-Moussis

    La Confrérie Folklorique des Blancs Moussis représente aujourd’hui plus de 350 membres qui œuvrent tous dans un but commun. La défense de la tradition du Blanc Moussi, le développement du tourisme et de l’économie à Stavelot, ainsi que la promotion de la fraternité et de l’égalité des hommes, par le biais du folklore. Il existe plusieurs catégories de Blancs Moussis (les Effectifs, les Candidats Effectifs, les Honoraires, et les Supplétifs). Bien sûr tous les Blancs Moussis n’ont pas la même motivation pour leur Confrérie, mais tous sont animés par la même […]

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  • Le réveil Ardennais

    At village festivities, throughout the 19th century, men and women from Wallonia danced the maclote sautillante, and the alerte passe-pieds to the sound of an accordion. At the end of the Second World War, some of the old dancers who had not forgotten the steps founded the Réveil Ardennais to continue the dances and costumes they remembered from their youth. Women don the picturesque barada – a beribboned straw hat. They add the customary black apron over a loose striped skirt and throw a traditional shawl over their shoulders. Under […]

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  • L’Emulation

    L’Emulation est née en 1874 et compte actuellement une soixantaine de membres. Depuis 1964, cette société accompagne les Blancs Moussis, aussi bien au Laetare que dans les sorties à l’étranger. En plus de ces cortèges, l’Emulation a à son actif des cortèges aussi prestigieux que le Carnaval de Malmédy, les fêtes de Wallonie, ainsi que de nombreux contrats en France, au Luxembourg ou en Hollande… Un CD a été enregistré lors du 125ème anniversaire de la société et il ne manque pas d’égayer les préparations et les trois glorieux jours […]

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  • Les Boga’s

    Créée officiellement le 08/08/2008, l’ASBL BOGA’S est devenue la plus jeune société stavelotaine à prendre part au Laetare. C’est, en effet, ce jour-là que des habitués du folklore stavelotain ont porté sur les fonts baptismaux cette asbl qui aura pour but exclusif la participation à des cortèges carnavalesques. Sa philosophie ? Un mélange vivifiant de camaraderie, d’amusement, de solidarité et de sens du spectacle. Son but ? Proposer au public une façon différente de défiler en jouant sur une certaine « mise en scène », une « théâtralité » du […]

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  • Les Clowns Cyclistes

    At the initiative of J. Martin, president of the volley club, this group has joined the Laetare parade since 1986. Some twenty amusing cycles made by the volleyball players crisscross Wallonia to enliven various celebrations with these extraordinary machines.

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  • Les Djoyeûs Cooytais

    Les Djoyeûs Cooytais propose themes like Alcootest or Americoo in a spirit of noisy fun. “The school of samba”, Russians, Spaniards were great favourites. This is a multi-facetted society that organizes local fetes, plays and variety shows.  

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  • Les Djoyeûs Pign’teûs

    A society founded in 1970 by a group of fun-loving lads. 150 + members defend Walloon culture, folklore and speech. Every year they participate in the celebration on 15 August in Outre-Meuse, Liège. The perfection and originality of their costumes and their floats make the Pign’teûs one of the stars of Laetare. They also organize a tourist rally in June, a banquet in November and even a “Beer Festival”, a not-to-be-missed event of Stavelot social life.  

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  • Les Grosses Tièsses

    Created in Parfondruy in 1951, six years after the war and the massacres at Parfondruy and Renardmont. They have brought back the traditional bonfire and added a jogging race to the village celebration.

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  • Les Lollipops

    This group founded in 1999 to add fun to the streets of the town. Original costumes, glitter and feathers are a must.

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  • Les P’tites Canailles

    Nouveau groupe faisant partie du cortège du dimanche depuis 2016 !

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  • Les Ribouldingues

    These fervent defenders of folklore began in 1979 with the intention of enjoying themselves among friends. Since 1983, they have set up as a non-profit organization and now take part in the Laetare and organize a tourist rally, a barbecue, Christmas for children and various trips to foreign lands.

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  • Les Vétérans

    The adventure began with football in 1975, and then the Ardennes festivities, Laetare, and Lu fièsse ozès marlènes. After much meandering, they now have their own premises and have become a must for the exceptional atmosphere they create. Who hasn’t heard of the “Tour de France” in 1981, “The White Fathers” in 1990 and particularly “Les gendarmes de St-Tropez” in 2005.

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  • Vive la Fête – VLF

    Vive la Fête is the youngest Stavelot society to join Laetare, since it was created in 2002. Like many other groups, it all began one evening. A few young people from Stavelot, all ardent « Laetarists », had a few ideas about the new group they wanted to create: first, it would be open to everyone who wanted to have a good time. Another objective would be to offer something new to the parade – new themes, new ideas … So for these first few years, the themes have been […]

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  • Les Zygomars

    The group began in 1977 as an initiative of a dozen mischievous youngsters. Their multi-faceted themes; gorgeous floats; foolproof atmosphere; splendid costumes take us to as many different worlds: “Ali-Baba”, “UFOs ”, the Mississippi” alongside “Beauty and the Beast”, “Paris”, “Venice” are some of their unforgettable themes. The Zygomars contribute to the reputation of folklore abroad—in France, but also at the famous Rosenmontag in Duisburg, Germany.

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  • Artisans Réunis

    A men’s choir founded in 1885. These ardent carnival lovers interpret songs in Walloon. This long-standing Stavelot society is firmly committed to maintaining the carnival tradition.

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  • Les Riboteurs de Malmedy


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  • Les Sangliers, Arlon

    Les Sangliers, Arlon

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  • Les Z’enflammés

    Les Z’enflammés, Orchestre de Percussions Brésiliennes, Alsace

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  • La Clique de la Royale Garde Saint-Jean

    Clique de la Royale Garde Saint-Jean de Herve, groupe musical au passé prestigieux et fierté de tous les Herviens.

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