Les Zygomars
The group began in 1977 as an initiative of a dozen mischievous youngsters. Their multi-faceted themes; gorgeous floats; foolproof atmosphere; splendid costumes take us to as many different worlds: “Ali-Baba”, “UFOs ”, the Mississippi” alongside “Beauty and the Beast”, “Paris”, “Venice” are some of their unforgettable themes. The Zygomars contribute to the reputation of folklore abroad—in France, but also at the famous Rosenmontag in Duisburg, Germany.
Contact informations
Géraldine Gaspar
Chemin du château 65
4970 Stavelot
GSM : 0472 46 85 30
E-mail : geraldinegaspar@hotmail.fr
Sabine Nicolay
Rue Chaumont 13 bte 16
4970 Stavelot
GSM : 0478.22.07.16
E-mail : Sabine.nicolay@skynet.be